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Friday, February 7, 2014

Town Hall level 1-3

So, with the first three Town Hall levels, There's not much to design.

Level 1 especially, is basically just keep everything together and raid as often as possible to get the gold for an upgrade. But, to be fair, here's a couple designs for it.

Pretty simple, and not likely to win a defense. Of course, odds are there's not going to be much to raid for.

Town Hall level 2, defense gets a little bit better - you get an archer tower, and some walls. Personally, I still think defending is pretty difficult at this level, barring troops in the Clan Castle. My design at level 2 is below.

Like I said, not much better for the defender. Those bombs will help though, especially once they can be upgraded.

Things get a bit better for the 3rd Town hall level.

Credit to totoro for making this design
At Town Hall 3, you can get a mortar, which is crucial to a solid defense. At this point, having a few buildings in the corners to make a raid take longer is a good idea. I recommend either the barracks, or the builder's huts, as they are small and low health wise, so they don't make good buffers. Make sure you upgrade walls to the max,as well as using them most effectively,  as they will be extremely helpful in slowing down the enemy.

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