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Friday, February 7, 2014

Feeder Vs Mother

I've been hearing questions about the difference between a feeder and a mother clan. So, I'm going to explain it.

A feeder clan generally looks like this:
  • A few high ranking players, to draw in players and to dispence advice and troops.
  • A multitude of lower ranking players, receiving that advice and those troops.
  • A name very similar to the name of the mother clan, usually with a slight change, and a description with the mother clan within it
    • Example here would be the main clan is Boondock Saints, and the feeder is BoondockSaints2
 A mother clan however, looks more like this:
  • Primarily high ranking players, with roughly even donation and received levels.
  • A description with the feeder's name in it.
  • *Sometimes* A URL to a page with rules and whatnot for the clan.
  • *Sometimes* The name of the next mother clan, if the clan was a secondary feeder.
    • If BoondockSaints2 fed into Boondock Saints, which then fed into BoondockSaints0

Generally, the leader of the feeder has a second account that is in the mother clan, although sometimes the two leaders have a secondary means of contact.

I hope this helps, and further questions - leave a comment below!

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